Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Invisible Woman

YouTube - The Invisible Woman

Just this morning after dropping Christian off at preschool I had a sudden desire to get a Sonic java chiller, which is one of my favorite indulgences. They make them at 9:30 in the morning. As usual, my mind was wandering and I was thinking about my life. I thought about all that I have to do today, and in the coming years, and I got grumpy.

And then I opened up my email and saw this video that an acquaintance had forwarded to me. This short video puts things into perspective and is a good reminder that there is a higher purpose for all the seemingly mundane things we do. What we do for our families is for the greater good. There is only One who notices each little sacrifice we make, and that's all that matters. This helps us to strip away our pride and anger. If only I could remember this each time I get frustrated at life's little curveballs....

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