Friday, October 24, 2008

Friends are Like Flowers

Here is little Cameron who was born last week to our friends Kristen and Matt. Don't new babies make your heart melt? I remember how it was having our first baby -- exhausting, overwhelming, exciting, scary. Looking at Cameron, I think what great parents he has. Matt and Mike used to work together in Dublin, GA several years ago when he was a young, single fresh college graduate. A few years later he met Kristen, and it is wonderful to see this young family starting out. Marriage is an incredible journey, and your relationship deepens as children come along. I wish Matt and Kristen much happiness with their precious baby. And if you are experiencing fatigue over the frantic pace, don't worry, soon you will have the rest that you need.

Lately I have been meeting new friends in my neighborhood -- the school bus stop is an excellent place to meet your neighbors. We all have small children and we have managed to get together on a few occasions. Friendship is important not only for stay-at-home moms, but also for our children. It makes me happy to see the joy that these kids get from being around friends.

And I am grateful to have my old friends near me, too. Speaking of old, (ha!) in a couple weeks we're going to celebrate Angie's big 40th birthday (mine is just around the corner). As I think about my journey through life I am heartened because friends have been there. Sometimes we prune those friendships that stop growing; it's only natural. But the true ones we continue cultivating through the years, just as we do with relationships with our spouses and families, no matter where we live.

Yesterday I read an article about a very special teacher. He was a counselor, but also taught an after school clowning class to help his middle schooler's gain confidence. These clowns also performed at school assemblies, parades, and even nursing homes. What this teacher did not realize, though, is what an impact he had on his kids. On Wednesday, after hearing of his death, one by one the kids painted on their clown faces and mourned Mr. Mondragon. His students are going to perform at his funeral service this weekend. Look at what this teacher cultivated in his own students.

Have a super day!


Matt said...

It's been a blessing, and it feels so natural. Kristen and I have been lucky to know people like you and Mike.

Elena said...

That's super, Matt! I'm glad that having a baby comes naturally for you both. Mike & I felt like we were slammed by a freight train when Christian was born. Your friendship was one of the bright spots in Dublin. Hope all is well with Cameron and sure wish we could see him in person (maybe by the time he's a teen our paths will cross again!).