Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tylenol..Take Me Away!

I have a headache and it is boy-induced. Some days are really good, but lately my head feels like it is going to explode. Little boys -- three of them -- wear me out. The constant bickering, fighting, yelling (me), timeouts, spankings, cleaning up messes, trying to make the boys clean up their messes, throwing baby Jojo off a couch...yes, Jojo has his first black eye today. If I turn my back for a minute it seems that things get out of control. Even when they have my full attention.

Mike looked at me this evening and told me to go to bed. No arm twisting needed. So off to bed I go, loaded up with Tylenol, and ready for a rest.

Tomorrow is another day full of more adventures.

Sometimes nap time is my favorite time of day.

1 comment:

kate said...

Oh, I so feel your pain...except for the three boys part, of course! I reached a breaking point with Nate today where I was so tired of him NOT listening to me, that I yelled at him so loudly (and a bit too harsh) that within seconds I could feel my eye twitching and my forehead throbbing...I felt like a terrible mother for losing my cool like that, but I had just had it. He started crying and I started crying and we just hugged for 10 minutes...talk about mixed messages! I am glad you got to go to bed early though, hopefully today was better for you. Just remember they will all be grown up and wanting nothing to do with us before we know it...what will we do then?