Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy Friday

It's a beautiful day! We took a walk around the block and then we stopped at the playground.

These photos were taken earlier this week.

I attempted to go twice around the block, but pushing 90+ lbs. of boys in a stroller (two older ones were squished in the back and alternated walking) was enough exercise for me.

Our morning was complete when Gaby and Christian watched the garbage collector pick up our trash. Gaby waited with anticipation, chewing his fingers and repeating his mantra: "There's the garbage truck!" The nice man gave those boys a friendly horn toot and a nice wave. He must wonder where those boys are on days we miss him outside. I wonder if he notices them through his rearview mirror watching him as he stops at each house until he turns the corner?

Gaby noticed that the real truck lifts the can the same way as his Tonka toy.


linda lum debono said...

Hey Elena,
It looks sooooooo warm there compared to NJ! Happy New Year!
xo, L

Elena said...

You guys are so having it rough, and I'm sorry! Happy New Year!