Friday, September 16, 2011

Grandma G.G.

Grandma -- Grandma G.G. (great-grandma) to the kids -- turned 92 this past June.  I miss taking the kids to visit her and Aunt Patsy.  Grandma loves children and laughs constantly at what they say.  She should've been a teacher and, in fact, wanted to be one, but life took her on a different path. 

During our first year living in Albuquerque, I'd bring Grandma to our house once a week and we'd have lunch when Aunt Patsy came to pick her up.  I wish we could've shared more of those moments, but life became hectic once I began taking classes and then Mike's job loss.  I was too stressed to make more time for my dear Grandma.  And even though we saw each other regularly, I wish we could've spent more time alone together like that first year.

Grandma and Aunt Patsy's dogs, Lucy and Ethel, finally warmed up to the boys.  They protect Grandma and check on her if she's been away too long in the loo. 

Grandma used to send me cards and 'pin money'.  I remember when I moved to Phoenix after college I'd receive thoughtful surprises in the mail.  At that time I would hardly find her at home when I called -- she was either busy conducting a T'ai Chi Chih class for the "old people" at a rehab facility, running someone to the doctor, or numerous other activities. 

A few years ago we interviewed Grandma, and out of that recorded interview my brother Sergio and sis-in-law Kyla transcribed it into a book that we each have and into a video which was shown at her 90th birthday bash.  Dad later used much of the material and combined it with a geneological history of our family that was researched by Grandma's brother, Uncle Frank.

Each time we talk she says, "We miss you so much!"  And we miss her, too. 

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