Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ode to a Clean Glass of H2O

Drinking glass filled with water and lots of ice
is very refreshing and nice.

Leaving my glass in its lonely corner,
by the side of the fridge like a loner.

I go on my way
throughout the day --

Knowing that a refreshing sip
is just moments away.

Sometimes I come back to take a gulp
and realize -- too late -- that I have a mouthful of pulp;

It could be a Pop Tart or cookie smudge,
like a ring of sludge --

Lining the once clean rim,
a lip smear evident along the stem.

Please get your your own glass.
Love, your mommy lass.


linda lum debono said...

So true and so very funny!

kate said...

That is great Elena! I too, take great effort to keep my water safe from all of the chaos of the house (kids) but somehow, someway, they always seem to get to it!