Monday, February 16, 2009

Rappelling for Chocolate

My in-laws called last night as they were leaving from the Nashville airport to their home. They had just returned from their latest adventure in Whistler, Canada (BC). They went ziplining, snowmobiling, dog sledding, and skiing. John even went bungee jumping. They make me feel like a fuddy dud.

Gaby had his own adventure this morning.

"What are you hiding behind your back, Gaby" I asked.

He had lined up the chairs and scaled the highest bar stools....

And he leapt the highest refrigerator to find the chocolate stash. He rappelled back down the refrigerator and climbed down those bar stools to enjoy his spoils.

I will do anything for chocolate, too. I'd even try ziplining for it.

Every time I turn around, there is an adventure brewing in Gaby's world. As I sit and write this entry, he is turning my living room into a mountain climbing- and trampoline jumping- adventure. He is the instigator of all things messy and naughty.

I think I'll always live vicariously through my sons and in-laws.

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