Thursday, February 19, 2009

From the Mouth of a Five-Year-Old Babe

The kids were real wound up this afternoon. I was tired I admit.

Some days are filled with too much noise: screaming, fighting, playing, merry mess-making.

Jumping off couches. Pushing each other, kicking.

"Stop. Jumping. Now!!!" I yelled. "Pick up this mess!" Swat to the butt of Gaby who proceeded to pound on newly painted wall with a light saber toy.

Christian stopped. He looked me in the eyes and said, "You don't act like a big person. You yell all the time and you hit like little people do."

I responded, childishly, "Whatever."

And then I went to my room for a timeout, shook my head in wonder at this laser precise observation made by Christian. What a smart(y) kid. I like that.

1 comment:

linda lum debono said...

Wow. You can't beat that! Very clever of him.