Thursday, February 5, 2009

Little Blue Lie

I hate potty training. I hate it so much that I have put off potty training Gaby, and he just turned three. My first experience with potty training Christian was a disaster. He did not want to use the potty at all. Then my mother-in-law kept him for a week and got him potty trained (he was almost 3.5 yrs old).

Today Gaby had his annual checkup and the pediatrician asked if he was potty trained.

Me: "Not exactly. We're working on it."

Pediatrician (her eyebrows raised): "How far have you gotten?"

Me: "Not very far."

Pediatrician (eyebrows barely visible beneath bangs): "How far is that?"

Me: "Well, we're at the beginning stages. know, we're just starting the whole routine. He wears big boy underpants sometimes (lie, lie, lie) and he does sometimes sit on the potty...and uh..."

Pediatrician: "Hmmm. Well, you need to get him potty trained."

Me: "Yes. I really hate potty training. My first son was completely potty trained by my mother-in-law. He did it for her, but not for me! I really hate this...."

Pediatrician: "I know. I raised four boys and it seems they don't care about learning how to do it. Looks like Gabriel needs to pay a visit to your mother-in-law."

At least she sympathized with my potty training plight.

Resolution #2: Get the boy potty trained. This business is about as frustrating for me as sleep issues were with Christian (oh, and potty training). I have put off this whole ordeal. I told you I procrastinate.

Today we bought some new underpants for Gaby. Maybe he'll use them tomorrow. Or maybe we'll wait until next week.

I'm glad that the pediatrician doesn't know that he still uses a pacifier and is attached to a favorite blue blanket. We'll just keep that a secret.


Matt said...

Sometimes doctors need to keep their mouths shut and do their jobs.

kate said...

I feel your experience with Nate and potty training was a nightmare too- it lasted about ten months, or it felt like that anyway...Porr little Juliana started showing intrest in the potty oh, about 4 months ago...I know she is so ready, but I just remember all the effort and time it takes...maybe she won't be anything like Nate...maybe Gaby won't either! Let's give them the benefit of the doubt and commit to at least making a true effort, are you in?

Elena said...

I'm in -- I'll start on Tuewednesday!

Elena said...

I hear you, Matt!