Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Clean Sweep

Last night I went with my friend Beth, her boys, and Christian & Gaby to Target. We passed the toy section and Gaby found a garbage truck. Oh, joy. Escaping from Target without that garbage truck in hand was difficult. So this morning we decided to cash his Christmas money from Auntie Sharon and MeMaw & Poppy and, rather than deposit it, we went back to Target and found it.

It makes noises, the garbage can lifts up and dumps the garbage into the top of the truck...

"Where's the garbage?!" Gaby kept asking. Oh, no...what can we use for actual garbage?

Well, we've got plenty of there you go. He's thrilled. He now has quite a fleet of trucks: a sweeper, a garbage truck, an excavator --- what next, a telephone cable truck? An animal control truck? A utility truck?

Christian got some Bakugans and I still do not know how the game is played. His friends will hopefully show him.
And he found a Spider Man web shooter that shoots both silly string and water.
Jojo is content knowing that he's got all their toys to play with. His money is in the bank.

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