Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas All Month Long

Nana and Papa came to visit, and the we are all having a lot of fun with them!

Papa lets the kids put an ill-fitting Santa hat on his head.

The boys had lots 'o presents to open. The toy truck with the tools is a big hit, as were the lizards & bugs for Christian.

Santa Jojo is ready for more fun.

We went to the Botanic Gardens 'River of Lights' last night. We saw critters, dinosaurs, and...

a decorated truck with lit up instruments.

Nana and Papa get their fill of chile when visiting. We took them to El Pinto for their first visit, and it won't be their last. They ate in Old Town yesterday. Too much eating during the holidays!

Fun gatherings..

Good friends...

It has been a fun weekend. We'll miss Nana and Papa very much!

1 comment:

linda lum debono said...

Hey Elena,
It's so nice to see the boys having fun with Christmas. Take it easy and enjoy it however hectic it may be!
