Sunday, December 7, 2008


I have neglected you, my little blog. I started a dumb project during a very busy time of year, but it is something, that once started, has to be finished: painting. Rooms, that is. By this afternoon it will be finished -- and then onwards upstairs. Am I crazy? That will have to wait a while. I am sick, sick, sick of painting. I do not want to look at another paintbrush or can of paint again. I do not want to step foot back into Lowe's for as long as possible.

This week Nana is coming to visit and the boys are so excited. When she and Papa (hopefully he'll make it, too) come to town, it's like Christmas every time. We have fun plans for the extended weekend visit and I'll post pictures. Nana will see Jojo walking for the first time, she'll see Christian's new haircut --

That's my boy getting his haircut at the fun children's place, sitting on a seal, letting the gal use the clippers, sucking on a chupa chup, directing which way the hair should be cut.

Christmas photo cards must be sent out this week, and I wanted him to be recognizable.

Today I heard Gabriel talking on the phone, only I didn't realize the phone had actually rung and I hung up on Grandpa. He told Grandpa that Christian was being mean to him. Gabie's grandparents like to hear him answer the phone: "A-yo?" Sometimes we have to hang up when Nana and Papa call to start the call off right with Gabie answering the phone.

Christian had a good week at preschool: they are on the number 7 and the letter J. I hope we get new recipes for Christmas cookies this week -- something easy that involves a spoon or spatula.

Jojo has been teething, and as a result, has a diaper rash that will not go away. May have to check with the doctor about some prescription butt paste.

That's all for now. Not very exciting, but never dull around here.


Matt said...

What's blue and smells like red paint? "Blue paint"

Elena said...

Ha! ha! Good one -- and I hope I don't have to smell paint - red or blue - again. Hope you guys are well!