Thursday, February 16, 2012

Just Becuz...

...I am happy that much was accomplished this week with the help of a wonderful hourly, drop off daycare that is very reasonable. Relishing the long wait at my medical appointment, I was able to read Time magazine in peace.  I read that I am an introvert and introverts aren't supposed to be called shy or something.  It means we introverts are overwhelmed and thereby overstimulated by certain social functions (check) and that we also don't do so well in groups because we need time to think (check, check, check).  But then I had to stop reading because the darn doctor interrupted my peace to give me the good news that those pesky ovarian cysts have disappeared.  Yippee.  I can't wait til my next appointment...maybe I'll see the podiatrist and dentist sans kids next time, or I can drop off the boys and hang out at a book store for a couple hours even if I don't buy anything. Yes!


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