Saturday, May 9, 2009

Tennessee, Part II

So, as I mentioned earlier, Jojo ended up with an ear infection and a raging fever that could not be lowered even with Motrin. So Papa and I took him to the emergency room and got some antibiotics, as well as allergy medication. They gave him two more doses of Tylenol and Motrin and finally his fever went down a little before we left.

Two days later, Jojo was still clinging to me crying every waking hour. On a Saturday we took him to a walk-in clinic (the best invention), and we saw a nurse practitioner who told us that Jojo had the infection in both ears, and I got a "stronger" medication for that. I was worried about the return flight, but we still had three days before we were leaving, and by the next day Jojo was feeling much better. And luckily, the flight went real well for him.

We got to see Grandpa Kenny & Karen before they returned to IN. Jojo was at home recuperating.

One day Poppy Mullins (Papa's dad), took the boys on a ride behind the tractor.

Gaby went for a few more rounds, while Christian went back to telling Bodie the dog, "sit!" and "stay!" He likes to boss, kinda like his mommy.

Granny Mullins went right into that little wagon and took a ride with Gaby. She's game for anything.

We visited the horses at Papa & Nana's neighbor's house. The kids fed the horses and donkey some carrots and apples. It took a while for Christian to allow the horse to take the treats from the palm of his hand, but that's understandable. Horses can be a little intimidating. At least they are to me.

Our friends Rosemary and Kaityln came for a visit! I had not seen Kaitlyn since she was a baby. Rosemary is on the left and Kaitlyn is on the right.

Sweet, sweet Aunt Sharon -- she's Nana's sister. Christian enlisted both of them to dig for earthworms in the yard -- blecchhhh. I prefer supervising, myself. There's his collection in the can.

Our last day in Tennessee was spent with many visitors! MeMaw and Auntie Linda came over in the morning.

Jojo was feeling much better!

Chancey (Mike's cousin), Aunt Sharon, Nana, and Michelle (Chancey's mom) came over, too.

Chancey and his buddies.

One last visit to the creek.

One last right on the four-wheeler.

Good times!

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