Friday, November 4, 2011

Dude Man Dude

We were searching for Christian's Baptism album for a religious education project due for the next day's class when the boys came across one of Mike's old photo albums.  The one with all the cars, mullet-headed friends, and chickadees he knew back in the day.  Then they saw the photo of a post-pubescent 19-year-old Dad (the hairless chest was a dead giveaway) with his arms around another equally young, frizzy-headed (just being honest) girl with a bad 80s hairstyle and they exclaimed, "Mom?  Is that Dad's girlfriend?!"  And Gaby giggled and threw himself on the couch. 

But the very last photo was of an older dad with his arms around two ladies (I use that term loosely) at a sports bar-esque place taken during his mid 20's and Gaby commented, "Wow, Dad! You're with some HOT ladies! Hahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!" I think that photo needs to be burned. There are a number of photos of Mike and his friends showing off pre-weight lifting muscles with such bravura that resonated with our sons. 

Today Christian apparently told his teacher, "My dad is a dude."

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