Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Here are a few comments overheard this week.

"Daddy you lied to me. Mommy said these shorts don't match my shirt."
Gaby (4 years; 3 months) 5/9/10

"If you don't give me my ice cream now, I'm going to scream!" And then she screamed.
Feisty, awesome niece Simone (2 years; 3 months) sometime last week

And Christian is learning to read! and write!  It's been amazing to see him soak it up.  Here is a note he wrote; there is no doubt he wanted to go to Miles' house to play the Wii. Christian left this note conspicuously on the kitchen counter.  Apparently he had written the note at school.

"To Mom and Dad and I like to go to Miles and I want go to play the Wii and me and Miles. From Christian"

"Mom, Derek says that I can come over to his house today so I can play Lego Star Wars."  "Mom, Miles really wants me to come over and play the Wii."  Nana and Papa got the boys a Wii last week as an early Christmas present.  Now we can ask his friends to come and play more often because our house was so boooorrrrrrrinnnnnnngg before.   


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