I've neglected you, my little blog. The past couple of weeks have flown by, but I could not really tell you what we have been up to. Let's see: we've gone swimming at the aquatic center, visited the library a few times, met up with friends. I've been busy reading lots of interesting material from the library and that has taken time away. And because I'm still working on Resolution #1, I've been getting up around 5:30-6:00 AM to exercise.
The boys and I are off to visit the grandparents in Tennessee next week. We'll be flying, so this will be a test run for our summer trip to see how the baby handles riding in an airplane. The kids will each have a seat of their own, which for a mama travelling alone with children, is a great relief. The last time I travelled by air alone with children was when I only had two, but I learned quickly that if you ride with an infant in the lap, you better not have any other children to look after. Gaby is looking forward to riding on Papa's four-wheeler, Jojo will explore much in their backyard forest, and Christian will be busy catching fireflies if it's warm enough ('lightnin' bugs' as they're called in the South).
Christian's back in soccer and his last game will be next weekend. We are also gearing up for his end-of-year preschool graduation; I just picked up his graduation cap and gown today. Kindergarten registration happens next week, as well.
Hope all is well!
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